What's new? let's see...
I got to meet the rest of the Listen To Your Mother cast - and they are amazing. You will absolutely laugh your head off...and cry some...and feel lighter in your heart and spirit if you come to this show. I promise. Please come!
Photo by the awesome Casey Chapman Ross. Here's the link to buy tickets - April 25th at 3 and 7pm
Guess what? TONIGHT we have a babysitter (DATE NIGHT!!!) and are going to see NEIL DIAMOND who I deeply and unironically love and have for years, even when he wrote Turn On Your Heartlight, that E.T. song. My love is unwavering. I did however make an interesting discovery today.
Here is a picture of young Neil Diamond - all moody and sexy
and here is a picture of my husband holding almost one year old Dylan in 1993
'namean? But WAIT...THERE'S MORE!
Here is distinguished older Neil
and here is distinguished hottie Jeff
Heh....so I think we are getting a little insight into why my jaw dropped and my eyes did the cartoon bug out with hearts the first time I laid eyes on Jeff.
What I'm Reading - Dear Daughter by Elizabeth Little
Fast paced debut thriller about an heiress imprisoned for ten years for murdering her mother - then released on a technicality. Clever mini chapters that are text messages, or transcripts, or scraps of paper. I'm loving it and I still don't know whodunnit.
What I'm Watching - last night I watched My Week With Marilyn
and it was beautifully acted, perfectly done. Stellar cast. It's based on the true story of a week of filming The Price and the Showgirl, with Marilyn Monroe and Lawrence Olivier. Marilyn was weeks into her marriage to Arthur Miller and fragile and difficult, and she became attached to a young man hired as a gopher more or less.
What I'm Listening To - NEIL DIAMOND! Duh!
Right at this moment the groceries are done (Thanks, Instacart! If you haven't tried them yet this link will give you free delivery and $10 off your groceries. I haven't gone to a grocery store except to buy fun stuff in about a year.) The laundry is done. My house is clean. Griffin is here and adorably happy.
and life is very good, y'all.
*Save Me a Saturday Night - Neil Diamond
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